This opportunity provides weekly group lessons for brass, woodwind, percussion, strings, piano and vocal lessons.
To be eligible, students have to demonstrate that they have some musical ability. More importantly, they must possess the work habits and attitudes which are necessary to achieve success over the long period of practice required in order to develop expertise on their instrument.
- Lessons are available to students from Yr 3-9
- Lesson opportunities are capped at 2 per student based on availability. i.e. Voice and Trumpet, or Cello and Piano.
- Lessons will be 30 minutes per week and are held throughout the school day by experienced specialist music tutors.
- Lessons are arranged alongside the music tutors and classroom teachers to pick the most suitable time.
- Lessons will be extremely well priced and paid termly and will be charged to the school fees, please read the latest information booklet for costs.
Lessons are offered for instruments from all instrumental families:
- Woodwind: Flute, Clarinet, Bass Clarinet and Alto, Tenor and Baritone Saxophone
- Brass: French Horn, Trumpet, Trombone, Baritone, Euphonium and Tuba
- Percussion: Drum kit, tuned and untuned Percussion
- Strings: Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass
- Other: Voice, Piano/Keyboard.
*For Instrumental Lessons: personal preference is carefully considered for all interested students, however, each student will undertake specialised ‘timbre’ and ‘play’ testing which will indicate an instrument that will be the best choice and provide the most success.*
There are limited spots available and preference will be decided on a ‘first in’ basis.
Once enrolled, we rely on you to support your child in the task of learning an instrument. You can help by providing your child with a practice time and place, ensuring practice happens regularly and effectively, listening to their latest piece and by providing plenty of verbal and moral support. These are all important aspects of helping your child progress to the best of their ability.
All students involved in group lessons are expected to be members of the related Extra-Curricular groups. i.e. Trumpet – Band, Voice – Choir.
It is the student’s responsibility to ensure they attend the lesson on time and with the correct equipment.
Students must attend their lesson even if they forget their instrument on that day. (spares may be available)
If students are unable to attend their lesson they must email the Leader of Performing Arts detailing the reasons why they are unable to attend.
Lessons will not be rescheduled if a student forgets to attend their lesson.
Tutors will attempt to reschedule lessons if they have been missed due to tutor absence. This is not always possible and in some cases student groups will be adjusted to accommodate the extra lessons.
Please be aware that there is a process of contact and consequences if your child fails to attend their lessons without informing the Leader of Performing Arts:
- 1st Instance – Email
- 2nd Instance – Email
- 3rd Instance – Phone Call
- 4th Instance – Letter of removal
Practice: It is essential that both the student and parents understand that a commitment is being made and DAILY PRACTICE is expected!
All students involved in group lessons are expected to be members of the College Extra-Curricular groups.
The instrument supplied at all times remains the property of MacKillop Catholic College and is issued on loan to the student, subject to the following conditions:
- The instrument is to be used by the student to whom it is issued and by no other person.
- Every care and attention must be given to the instrument during the period of the loan.
- The instrument is returnable on demand at any time for inspection, repair, and adjustment or for any other cause.
- Loss or damage of any instrument on loan must be immediately reported to the College. Any damage caused to the instrument will be charged to the student at replacement cost.
- If, in the opinion of the Music Tutor, a student is not carrying out reasonable practice or shows little ability with the instrument, the loan may be terminated.
- If the student does not observe the Rules and Expectations of Group Lessons or Extra-Curricular Groups for attendance of scheduled lessons, ensembles, rehearsals and performances, the loan may be terminated.
- The instrument must be returned to the College by the last Friday of any given school term if the student is not requiring the loan for the following term. Otherwise bills will be sent for the next term. All instruments on loan from MacKillop Catholic College must be returned before the last two weeks of the school year.
- Music Lessons will be charged at $175 per term. This cost covers:
- 32 lessons across the year (Approx. 8 lessons per term)
- Instrument hire
- Music hire
- Instrument consumables
- All students enrolled in Music Lessons are committed to a FULL TERM of lessons.
- The College will not provide refunds to families who decide to discontinue instrumental lessons during a term.
- Fees are charged to the students school fees.
- If a student wishes to discontinue lessons, written notice emailed to the Leader of Performing Arts is required at least 3 weeks prior to the end of a term. Failure to meet this deadline will result in another term fee being payable
How do I know that my child will keep being enthusiastic about playing and practising?
- When there is genuine enthusiasm and support by the parents and family, the child will remain excited about their playing.
- The lessons are fun because the children are learning with their friends in a group.
- Very soon they are playing in an ensemble, i.e Band, which helps to maintain enthusiasm
- Performances (on any scale) motivate a child. There are many opportunities for your child to perform at school and you can encourage them to perform at home also!
Will my child’s school work decline because of the extra commitment to his/her music?
- No, the concentration and application to a new task enhances their academic ability.
- Class Teachers are informed and aware that your child is in the program. Students are to ask their teacher for work and other activities for when they are at a lesson to ensure that they are kept up to date on class content.
If you have any concerns you can contact the Leader of Performing Arts on
You may sometimes find yourself wondering why you thought it would be a good idea for your child to learn a musical instrument. Everyone goes through phases of boredom or rebellion about practising, some more frequently than others. It is easy to lose sight of goals. Nothing breeds success like success. Here are a few hints to help you with your budding instrumentalist:
- Music study is a three-way partnership between tutor, student and parents and each has their responsibilities. Parents are especially important as they can so often provide the necessary guidance and support that promotes a healthy learning atmosphere – namely the home environment.
- Patience: is important; repeatedly remind them to do their daily practice, kindly but firmly. Ideally, the very keen student should need little or no urging.
- Practice: is best done regularly, 10 minutes a day is far more valuable that 2 hours the day before a lesson. More advanced students should be doing a minimum of 30 minutes a day and beginners 10-20 minutes daily. Find the time to sit with your child as often as you can and provide helpful advice like “Why don’t you try it more slowly?” or just make yourself the audience. Most of all NEVER use practice as a punishment and try to reschedule practice times if the normal routine is disturbed.
- Posture: is important as well as practical. Good posture is less tiring than bad posture. A music stand is essential and a mirror helpful.
- Provide: favourable practice conditions away from people, radio and television. A quiet room with adequate ventilation and lighting is preferable. A music stand and a safe place to put the instrument during practice sessions are also important. Often an instrument already assembled is more quickly used than one that is not.