As we approach the mid-way mark of the term it is appropriate to take time to reflect on the start to the 2021 school year. This year we welcome 642 students to MacKillop Catholic College as we expand to Year 8. We also welcome new families and staff to the College. The start of every year is a time of great energy and excitement as we look forward to what is to come and we anticipate the many successes and opportunities that await us. 2020 was indeed a unique year and one that highlighted the sanctity of human life. It was a year that presented many challenges to our community and also gave us a renewed appreciation of the human spirit.
Over the past few weeks, I have had the opportunity to speak with a number of families who are seeking a MacKillop Catholic College education for their child. Their reflections provide a wonderful insight into what is important for us here at the College. Parents have articulated the importance of the following:
- Community
- Learning
- Compassion
- Values
Like you, we seek to provide an environment where these hopes and dreams are able to come to life. A place where rigour, challenge and hard work drive growth, achievement and wellbeing. There is no doubt that at times it can be hard but as we all know, nothing worthwhile comes easily. Educational outcomes and personal mastery are no exception.
As you read our latest newsletter, I hope that you are able to recognise the many examples of growth and achievement. In the words of Stephen Covey “our greatest challenge is to keep the main game the main game”. It has been a privilege seeing the achievements in just a few short weeks. I look forward to 2021 being a year of great success, achievement and growth.
Luke Brown