As the 2024 school year draws to a close, I have been reflecting on our year together as a community. I must start by saying that I am the very proud Principal of MacKillop Catholic College. Every day, I experience the enthusiasm, curiosity, resilience and love for learning of our students – it is our children that make our College such a vibrant place of learning and kindness, respect and service.
Mary was passionately committed to the support and education of the most disadvantaged children and their families in Australia over a century ago. She understood that this was the best way to change their circumstances and give them the best chance for a brighter future. With her as our example, we work passionately, in partnership with our families, to support our students to be their best learner and best person. Academically, our students have achieved great results and shown significant growth. This was evident at our annual MCC Presents Awards evening, as well as through our regular Facebook Hub posts.
Our students have also had the opportunity to participate in a myriad of extra-curricular opportunities: Robotics, Optiminds, Readers Cup, Youth Forum, Science week, the recent Europe trip, Historical Writing competition, in which our senior students achieved a clean sweep in one entire category. This year, our Years 7-9 students participated in the Junior secondary sport program (JSS). Our Performing Arts groups have really sprung to life this year, entertaining us or supporting many College events. Our senior students have joined Rosies – Friends on the Street and spent Thursday nights serving dinner to some of our most-needy in Cairns. Our students have also collected a pile of goods for the St Vinnie’s Christmas appeal – Mr Chapman can hardly be seen in his office! 😊 We have definitely continued the work of Mary MacKillop and I am very proud of the service and outreach work that our students and community have been doing this year.
This year, we officially opened and blessed our third Secondary building – Winsbury, containing 12 new classrooms, a staffroom, toilet block and lift. We chose Winsbury as this was the name given to Saint Mary MacKillop’s third House of Providence in the early 1900s in Sydney Rocks. Our building program continues – we are well into the planning stage of another classroom block, the mirror image of Winsbury. We will also double our Secondary Multi-Purpose Court next year, to ensure that we can meet for whole College events. We will also extend the Design Technology space and refurbish the Year 6 section of Montague to enlarge the learning spaces. You will see the construction fences go up again very soon.
To our parents – thank you for choosing MacKillop and trusting us with your most precious children every day. Thank you for working in partnership with us to enhance the learning outcomes for our students, and to strengthen our MacKillop family culture. It is together that we provide the best possible outcomes for our students – as learners and to continue to become the outstanding young people they are.
I am inspired everyday by the genuine commitment, energy and passion of our teachers and student learning assistants, as they ensure that every child is known, valued and supported to flourish no matter what their needs. Our dedicated staff give their time to support all the extra activities we offer our students. I also extend my gratitude to our College administration, grounds, maintenance and support staff. Their professional approach, knowledge, and ability to ‘see a need and do something about it’ contributes to the smooth running and positive culture of our College. I express my sincere thanks to our College Board members, P&F and many volunteers, for their consistent support, vision and ‘can do’ attitude.
Jesus asked us to ‘love one another with all our heart’. Saint Mary MacKillop wants us to ‘be of good heart’. This is the foundation of our community – to show and share our love and respect for all. Of course, we are not perfect – we are after all human – especially our children. Throughout the year, they have learnt to deal with friendship fires, regulate their emotions, manage the stress of assessments, navigate our adult and technologically connected world – develop their all-important interpersonal skills and a hope-filled mindset for life. Supporting our students to continue to thrive and grow will only be achieved through a MacKillop team effort – our MacKillop Way spirit in action.
We wish all families and staff members who are leaving MacKillop at the end of the year all the best for their journey along a new path. May Mary MacKillop continue to inspire you and guide your hearts, minds and spirits.
May we continue to strengthen and build upon our successes, fostering a community of exceptional learners and people of good heart. Blessings of the Christmas season be with all our MacKillop family members, and Christ be our guiding light as we journey into the new year. We look forward to welcoming all our students and families back in 2025.
God bless.
Janelle Newman
College Principal