On Wednesday February 16, we celebrated a scaled back House Day, due to the fact that our scheduled House Day was Covid effected.
The House is core to students’ experience in secondary school, as all Pastoral Care and Wellbeing is organised around the House. By coming together in our Houses with our Pastoral Advisors early in the year, students are able to reflect on the values of the House, build relationships within the House and welcome new House members.
Through a range of activities from newspaper fashion, to spaghetti and marshmallow towers, students and teachers built the foundations on which the House will continue across the year and beyond. In addition to House Day and the Sporting Carnivals, there is also Inter-House Dance Competition and Debating scheduled for during the year. A big thanks to our Heads of House Mr Mike Johnstone (HOH Loyola), Mr Ben Smith (HOH Woods) and Mrs Kristina Armstrong (HOH McCormack and MacDonald) for their work in making this day such a success.