Throughout Term 2, your P&F rolled out our annual Mother’s Day Stall and Breakfast. The Primary Fluoro Free Dress Day and Disco was also held. This event may not have taken place had we not received such a fantastic and collaborative effort from our College Leadership and Staff. THANK YOU! As always, our payment for our time is by way of being there to witness and enjoy the huge excited smiles, squeals and laughter of our kids. THANK YOU to our very valued Volunteers! Without your help these initiatives and events for our kids would not be able to take place.
Now back in the trenches, there has been a lot of work bubbling away:
We have our amazing Cent Sale Sub-Committee working feverishly on the event which is being held at the College on Saturday, 31 July 2021. Seeing as COVID-19 spelled the cancellation of this event in 2020, it is absolutely awesome that we are currently tracking clear for our event making its return in 2021! Ca’ching!! Please be sure to come along and bring your family and friends to enjoy a fun and fabulous afternoon! Who knows, you could be walking away with a swag full of the many fantastic prizes up for grabs, all kindly donated by you, our families as well as local businesses in our wonderfully supportive Community.
Organisational preparations have begun for our annual Father’s Day Stall and Breakfast – Week 8, Term 3, as well as our other annual P&F initiatives.
Your P&F MCC C4C (Containers for Change) Program is finally happening!! We have secured an uber wonderful donation from Bunnings Cairns of a number of bins for placement in our College Avenues and Staffrooms etc to assist with the collection of all eligible containers. We are hoping for the commencement of the program by Week 1 in Term 3. You may ask, why is this news so exciting? Well, not only will we benefit on the financial side of things, but more importantly this will allow our children to put into practice their learnings with respect to the importance of recycling and the environment. So why not be earning whilst practically learning?!
AND, should any of our families wish to contribute any of their household eligible containers to the cause, by all means that would be welcomed with open arms. Once we have finalised arrangements and confirmed our College C4C Code, we will advise our MCC Community accordingly. After all, everything we do is for our MCC children!
NEXT MEETING: 6.30pm on Tuesday, 20 July 2021 in the Primary Library, Kensington Avenue (numbers dependent due to COVID-19). Should RSVP numbers exceed the COVID-19 protocols for this space, we will relocate to the Penola Learning Common (between Prep and Year 1 Classrooms). **Please ensure RSVP’s for attendance are sent to the P&F email address: pandf.mountpeter@cnsstu.catholic.edu.au**
Parent/Grandparent/Carer Volunteers … Come and have some fun with us!
Our events would not go ahead without the amazing help of our parent volunteers. It’s a great way to connect with the school, meet other parents and be a part of your child’s school journey. In order to be a volunteer, you are asked to participate in a short induction run by the school, which covers you for the year. For anyone who is not a parent, you are also required to have a current Blue Card. Please email the P&F if you are interested in volunteering at one of our events. Email Address: pandf.mountpeter@cnsstu.catholic.edu.au
**All volunteers need to have completed the College’s 2021 Volunteer Induction Session.**
Everything we do is for our MacKillop kids! There is nothing better than being involved in Community.
Volunteers + Service = Community