This Tuesday 10th August, the College community is looking forward to celebrating the feast day of Saint Mary MacKillop and her inspirational dedication to serving the needs of the community, in her time.
Some people seem to pack an extraordinary number of achievements in their lifetime, and Mary was ever on the go. Her passion to provide a catholic education for children to enable them to break the cycle of poverty in their lives saw her and the Sisters of Saint Joseph of the Sacred Heart open many schools across Australia and New Zealand. In addition, they opened orphanages, homes of providence to support unwed mothers, aged care, and support for prisoners.
On the day she became Sister Mary, she adopted the name, Sister Mary of the Cross. She claimed that her compassion was inspired by that which Jesus showed to the most vulnerable, during his ministry.
Our hearts, minds and spirits are inspired by her example, at the College today. Every day, we are blessed to witness students helping each other, being inclusive and respectful, and we are challenged to grow courageous, globally aware citizens who care about issues of social justice.
During the Mass, we will celebrate those students nominated to receive the St Mary of the Cross Awards. Sadly, this is a closed event as we are unable to open it to the general community, at this time.