Sometimes in the cause of promoting the virtue of perseverance, advocates will tell the story of JK Rowling of Harry Potter fame whose manuscript was rejected on numerous occasions before she experienced success. On the surface this is a wonderful story; however, surely there is also a back story which would tell of her lifelong […]
A Glass and a Half in Everyone
The little girl, perhaps five or six, is wanting to buy a gift of chocolate at the corner shop for her mum’s birthday. With her mum waiting out on the footpath, she pays for the gift with her currency; coloured buttons, a dress-up ring and a small toy. In an exchange where a child’s love […]
Differentiated Teaching
MacKillop is continually reviewing the learning needs of all our students. With our unique environment, we can capture a wide picture of the needs of students in every cohort, while simultaneously targeting the needs of our individual learners. As teachers plan for activating their learning spaces for great student engagement, they also craft lessons that […]
Languages Speaking Competition
On August 22nd, 10 students from MacKillop participated in the Japanese section of the 2019 Cairns Languages Speaking Competition. All of our students showed courage and determination to stand in front of a crowd and give a speech in another language. Congratulations to Sakura for receiving a Highly Commended award. Fantastic effort!
Innovative Learning Environments
One of the most exciting aspects about leading the MacKillop Family is the opportunity to help in growing a community of learners who will be ready, skilled and able to live and contribute into the future – a future we can only imagine! So what makes our school so special? At MacKillop, we are an Innovative […]
Expert believes more music is needed in classrooms
Neuro-musical educator Dr Anita Collins recently said more music is needed in the classroom and the curriculum needed to be updated to reflect the benefits of music education across the board after a 20-year decline – and MacKillop Catholic College music teacher Jan Veronese couldn’t agree more.
Harnessing the Power of Music
MacKillop Catholic College is using the power of music to enhance their students’ learning with an engaging new music program.
P&F News
Thank you to those who attended the first meeting of the year in the library. Everyone is welcome to our next meeting as we work together to fundraise and plan events for the upcoming year. Future meeting dates will be shown on the College calendar. Meet and Greet: Thank you to all those who came […]
Raising Resilient Learners
MacKillop Catholic College is reshaping how its students approach learning by building a growth mindset in its school.
Secondary education is coming
Secondary education is commencing at our College in 2020. Our current Year 4 and 5 students will be the first to benefit from the modern, purpose-built facilities that we will provide for their contemporary secondary education in 2020 and 2021. We are now also taking online enrolment applications for Year 7 in 2020 and 2021. […]