END OF YEAR MASS AND ST MARY OF THE CROSS AWARDS: We had a beautiful celebration to finish 2021 on a high note with our end of year mass and St Mary of the Cross Awards. The video below shows some of the highlights. Congratulations to all the student and staff award winners. You […]
Archives for 2021
End of the 2021 School Year
OUR SCHOOL YEAR COMES TO A CLOSE: So much has occurred this year with the growth of the College and the subsequent expansion of facilities. Our construction continues to inch closer to completion. At this stage the final stages of K Block are being added in readiness for the start of the 2022 College year. […]
Socktober and our Christmas Appeal
OUTREACH AT WORK AT MCC: Reaching out to others who are most vulnerable in our society is to be the hands, and heart of Jesus, today. Outreach is active discipleship, and the College community is inspired by the example of St Mary MacKillop to do as Jesus did, in our time. Socktober: Last Wednesday, students […]
2022 And Beyond
EVALUATING AND PLANNING: It’s hard to believe but we are approaching the end of the 2021 school year. At this time of the year our college is very busy planning for the following year. In the case of MacKillop Catholic College this involves expanding and welcoming two new cohorts of students. The enrolment process for […]
GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT: Over the last couple of weekends, a number of our students celebrated the Rites of Confirmation and First Eucharist. These Sacraments, marking special milestones in each child’s spiritual growth, were shared with family, friends, and members of the Edmonton Parish community. The students made a commitment to their faith as young […]
Thank You
SINCERE THANKS: As we come to the end of an incredibly busy term, I would like to express my sincere thanks to all those members of our community who have worked together to make a difference. We acknowledge our P&F who have given so much of their time to support community building events here at […]
Reflection Room
OUR NEW REFLECTION ROOM: The MacKillop Way is our ‘way of being together’ as a community. We are like a big family – we give each other positive, caring and kind experiences every day. We learn to share, to get along with others, to ask questions, to stand up for ourselves, and when necessary be […]
Book Week
BOOK WEEK: This term we celebrate Book Week. The aim is to create a community that celebrates quality Australian Literature for young people. At MacKillop we embrace a love of reading by sharing quality literature. During term 3 our teachers will be sharing the short listed books with their classes and on Wednesday 15th September […]
St Mary of the Cross Feast Day
ST MARY OF THE CROSS FEAST DAY: This Tuesday 10th August, the College community is looking forward to celebrating the feast day of Saint Mary MacKillop and her inspirational dedication to serving the needs of the community, in her time. Some people seem to pack an extraordinary number of achievements in their lifetime, and Mary […]
P&F News
P&F NEWS & INFORMATION:Throughout Term 2, your P&F rolled out our annual Mother’s Day Stall and Breakfast. The Primary Fluoro Free Dress Day and Disco was also held. This event may not have taken place had we not received such a fantastic and collaborative effort from our College Leadership and Staff. THANK YOU! As always, […]